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Board of Directors

Dr. William Cotter (Bellegrove Surgery)


Appointed Director on 13 January 2015


Dr Bill Cotter has worked in South East London for 28 years and has been Lead GP at Bellegrove Surgery for over 22 years. As well as working as a GP appraiser for more than 12 years, Dr Cotter served on the Board of Bexley CCG and its predecessor Bexley PCT as Practice based Commissioning Lead from 2007. He has led on various initiatives including setting up the Urgent Care Centre at Queen Mary’s Hospital, delegated prescribing and Bexley Kitemark quality schemes as well as being over the years as a clinical lead on prescribing, cancer, diabetes, GP access, Urgent care and joint commissioning across Bexley, Bromley and Greenwich (BBG).

Dr. Sid Deshmukh (Sidcup Medical Centre)

Appointed Director on 15 November 2022

General Practice has transformed in recent years and with the establishment of Primary Care Networks (PCNs) the GP Federation plays a vital role in supporting practices.

Sid has been a GP Partner in Bexley for 20 years.  For 15 years I have held clinical lead roles and have been of the governing body of evolving Bexley organisatons (Bexley PCG,PCT,CCG) and then the South East London CCG. Sid has held the post of Chair of Bexley CCG in the past and is currently the CHair of the Local Care Partnership and also a clinical lead for Urgent Care and Diagnostics.  Sid will use extensive experience in clinical leadership to support the GP Federation

Dr. Surjit Kailey (Northumberland Heath)

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Appointed Director on 14 January 2019

Surjit Kailey has been a GP partner in Northumberland Heath medical Centre  for 32 years  and in addition currently  hold the following positions  -Clinical Director of North Bexley PCN and Medical Director of Grabadoc ( organisation that  provided out of hours GP  services for Greenwich and Bexley patients 1995 -2015  ). BHNC is a federation made of its member practices in Bexley and exists to support them and the Bexley PCNs  to provide  the best local primary care for our Bexley population . Key to its  success is having at its base  professionals with wealth of local knowledge and intelligence derived from years of frontline service in Bexley who are all passionate about improving patient care .

Dr. Clive Anggiansah (Lyndhurst Surgery)

Appointed Director on 15November 2022

Clive Anggiansah has  been a GP in Bexley for over a decade serving Lyndhurst Medical Centre and Bursted Wood Surgery as part of the APL Primary Care Network. Clive is  the Bexley Primary Care and Community Care Clinical Lead at the South East London – Integrated Care Board. Bexley Health Neighbourhood Care – CIC is a Federation of Bexley GP practices with the aim of helping Bexley residents live the healthiest possible lives. It is an challenging but exciting time for the NHS in Bexley and BHNC is in a unique position to deliver the best health outcomes for our borough.

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